Need Help with a Hold?

Remove it in 4 Easy Steps

Switch Hold vs ESI ID Hold

A switch hold is a hold that a retail electric provider (REP) places on an electric meter due to unpaid electric services. The switch hold prevents an account holder from switching to a new electric company before the outstanding balance has been paid. 

An ESI ID Hold is a hold that Pogo puts on an electric meter. It is basically the same thing as a switch hold, but specific to Pogo.

Unfortunately, you can be subject to a switch hold through no fault of your own if the previous tenant did not pay the balance of their electric bill before moving out. If this happens, you will need to go through the process for a switch hold removal by proving that you are a new tenant. To prove that you are a new tenant you will need to follow the steps below.

For Switch Hold Removal or ESI ID Hold Removal
Follow the Steps Below

Step 1
Locate Your ESI ID

ESI ID stands for “Electric Service Identifier ID”. The ESI ID is a unique 17 or 22 digit number that the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) assigns to every electricity meter in Texas. An ESI ID identifies your electric service location as well as, identify customer accounts and track energy usage.

Step 2
Complete a New Occupant Statement Form

Download and then sign a New Occupant Statement form. Make sure that you include your ESI ID!

Note: You must hand sign The New Occupant Statement because an electronic signature will not pass approval.

Step 3
Provide Documentation

You must provide ONE of the following documents to verify your New Occupant Statement:

  • A copy of your current lease that must be in your name.
  • A notarized Affidavit of Landlord.
  • A utility bill (in your name) dated within the last 2 months from a different address.
  • Closing documents that indicate a transfer of ownership of property into your name.
  • Certificate of occupancy for the purpose of showing that that residence at a location has changed.

Step 4
Email Your Form and Documentation to Pogo

Once you have the appropriate documents that are required for a switch hold to be removed, Please email Pogo your signed New Occupant Statement form as well as ONE of the required documents listed in Step Three.

How long does it take to remove a Switch Hold?

The length of time it takes to remove a switch hold or for an ESI ID release is out of Pogo’s control, however, we will let you know the outcome as soon as we know.

Pro Tip: To help ensure a smooth process, first carefully review the steps above and then confirm that your documents are complete so that someone can review them without a delay.